I'm having a hard time wanting to post lately. The thing is, all the news about the Red Sox lately is DRAMA filled. I just want them to play ball already.
Dear members of the Boston Sports Media,
Enough is enough. I am sick to death trying to figure out who is getting more attention. Is it the threesome of Britney, Anna and Cameron? Or Manny, Schill and Dice-K? The Red Sox are a BASEBALL team. Let's keep it real. Cut the drama. Let's talk about baseball. Lets talk about Timlin's possible injury, lets talk about Mike Lowell's leadership and for goodness sake, if we must talk about Dice-K lets talk about how he and Vtek are learning to communicate with one another!
Stop blowing things out of proportion. Any serious baseball fan could not have expected the Red Sox to renew Curt's contract before the season started. I don't give a rats @ss about why Manny is late to spring training - I care about his condition once he arrives! And honestly, let's give Dice-K some room to breath and PITCH. That is what he's here for after all!
Soxy Lady
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Dramatown, FL
Posted by Soxy Lady at 10:53 PM 2 comments
Labels: Curt Schilling, Daisuke Matsuzaka, Drama, Manny Ramirez, Mike Lowell, Mike Timlin, Red Sox
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Dear Bridget Moynahan,
You, my fair lady, have every female fan in Patriot Nation (and there are a lot of us!) wishing they were in your shoes right now. Heck, I'm sure there are men who wished they were in your shoes right now!
Sure, Brady broke up with you. And yeah, it's true soon after learning he was the father of your child he went public with his relationship with super-sl&t Gisele Bundchen. The thing is, none of that diminishes the fact you are carrying the seed of Tom Brady.
There may be speculation that you got preggo on purpose since the tick in your clock is slowing down a little bit and you knew that your relationship was coming to an end. For that I say, "You go girl!" I would NEVER condone a woman getting pregnant to try and save her relationship but you, my fair lady, have got the golden ticket!
Congratulations and best of luck to you and your baby.
Soxy Lady
P.S. If you use this baby to distract Tom from winning football games I will retract all earlier praise and congratulations!
Posted by Soxy Lady at 11:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Bridget Moynahan, Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady
Why Can't Manny Just Be "A Baseball Player"?
Position players haven't even started their workouts yet and already the drama surrounding Manny has begun.
Manny is an exception to just about every rule out there. You laugh at him when he pulls stupid antics (like taking a leak inside the monster instead of being in position) and you get pissed off beyond belief when he quits on his team (and the fans) like this past July - September. You might even sigh a bit of relief when trade talks come up, just so you won't have to deal with the drama anymore - there has to be someone out there we can get to cover Papi, right? Ok, if you don't at least I do. The thing is you can't hate the guy enough to hate him when he's hot. Why is that?
It angers me beyond belief that we let Manny get away with "being Manny" even when it's at a complete determent to the team. The thing is, he knows he's "that good" and we'll let him off the hook. Argh. We don't let anyone off the hook in Boston. Why is Manny the exception?
How many of you out there work? I'm going to say most everyone reading this blog has a job.
So how many of you who work do a kick-@ss job at work? Maybe not as many, but if I were a betting gal I'd say there are a few of us out there.
So of those of us who do a kick-@ss, fantastic job at work, how many are allowed to stay home and not work just because we don't like how well a particular campaign is doing? How many are allowed to show up late, and not minutes late - I mean days late? I dare say, not one of us.
I don't know, it's tiring to think about. It's a double-edged sword...you "punish" Manny by not letting him play but he's getting paid no matter what, and you just hurt the team. You let him get away with all this sh!t and send the message to others that it's ok for Manny because we need him.
I would just love for one season Manny to come out and be a baseball player instead of just being "Manny." Then maybe D.S. would lay off us a little bit (probably not, he hates Boston sports and Boston sports fans) and maybe we could concentrate on more important things.
And P.S. Julian Tavarez....it's so not your place to disclose to the media whether or not you think Manny will be reporting to Spring Training on time. Work on your pitches, bub...leave the rest to management to deal with.
Posted by Soxy Lady at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Manny being Manny, Manny Ramirez, Red Sox
Friday, February 16, 2007
ALL Pitchers & Catchers Report!
One thing I'm really excited to witness is how Tek and Daisuke learn to communicate with one another. I'm already developing a mini-crush on Dice-K. Honestly, it's not because he's the greatest thing since sliced bread (according to the media.) I mean, only a few years back we got Pedro...then Schilling....I have NO DOUBT that I'll come to love Daisuke as a player, but right now I'm loving his little boy smile and his witty comments to the media.
He was asked what pitch he would throw for his first pitch and answered,
"I would love to pitch a fastball, that will be my first ball. I would like my
first batter, if he is listening, please try not to hit the ball."
Plus, he's already out there sporting his Red Sox!

(Photo Courtesy of Boston.com)
Pitchers and catchers reporting means Spring Training games are right around the corner...which mean it's getting closer to Opening Day!
Speaking of Opening Day, argh! I "won" the raffle to have the "opportunity" to buy Opening Day/Patriots Day/Yankees tickets today. So I signed in, sat in the virtual waiting room for an hour, got in to purchase my "tickets" and EVERY game in the raffle was already sold out. So annoying. But I'm over it, really, I am......
Posted by Soxy Lady at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daisuke Matsuzaka, Dice K, Pitchers and Catchers, Red Sox, Spring Training
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Truck Day - A Re-enactment
There are times when I think I can be a pretty creative person - but then I come across something like this:
and realize I'm not as creative as I'd like to be. Thanks to my friends at The Red Seat for the entertaining video.
Glad we could provide some insight into Oh, Holy Day - TRUCK DAY! Metaphorically, Truck Day is a beautiful thing. It fills you with excitement and anticipation! But really, it's just a truck. That gets loaded with gear. And drives away. -The Red Seat
Posted by Soxy Lady at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Red Sox, The Red Seat, Truck Day
The Truck Day Videos
It's all sorts of anti-climatic, but here are the short videos I took yesterday!
Wally, jammin' to Tessie:
The equipment truck leaving Fenway:
Posted by Soxy Lady at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Red Sox, Truck Day, Wally the Green Monster
(The Day After) Truck Day
I made it in time to see the Red Sox equipment truck leave Fenway on its journey to Ft. Meyers. Wally was there, he threw me a ball. I caught it - What's up, I could be on the Sox! Think they need another outfielder? Drew still isn't on the 40-man roster! So what if I throw like a girl, Damon did too!
I took some pictures and even a couple short videos, but for some reason I keep losing my Internet connection (argh, Comcast!) and YouTube is being hella-slow tonight. So the video is going to have to wait. Sorry all.
In Spring Training News Papelbon, Lester and Beckett all threw off the mound today. Look at our pitchers, out there early and excited for the new season! I loved this quote from Pap about Lester:
"When I first saw Jon today, I almost didn't recognize him because I didn't expect him to look that good," said Jonathan Papelbon, after arriving today for the first time. "Look the same old Jonny to me. Obviously I've said prayer after prayer for him this offseason, me and my wife. It's just awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome to see him come back from that. The fight that he's gone through, you know, it's just amazing. For me that's the kind of teammate I want, somebody that's never going to give up, somebody that's going to go out there and bust his butt to succeed and bust his butt to get where he wants and deserves. That was awesome, almost like a pick-me-up."
According to our dear friends at Extra Bases, Papelbon spent some time in the off season hunting with Eli Manning! ELI MANNING! What?!?! I HATE ELI MANNING! Half of the reason I wanted the Colts to lose the Superbowl was so I didn't have to see Eli gloating on TV about his brother's win. Ok, maybe not half of the reason....but part of it. Seriously. That was a little disturbing to read. If he sucks it up as a starter, I'm going to blame it on Eli - mark my words!
No need to end on such a sour note.......48 days until opening day and counting! WOO HOO!
Posted by Soxy Lady at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jon Lester, Jonathan Papelbon, Red Sox, Truck Day
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Where the Truck I've Been...
I know, I've already committed the cardinal sin in blogging...it's been a week since my last post. For those of you who know me personally, you understand why I haven't been around. For the rest of ya'll, there was a lot of news in RSN last week, which I did mean to write about but sometimes life just gets in the way - I'm baaacccckkkk!!!!!
Tomorrow is a great day for all of us baseball fans - it's TRUCK DAY!

Member's of Soxy Lady's camp have also reported that at this very moment there is a ramp filled with Red Sox equipment bags at Logan airport! Eeekkk! I asked if there was a possibility for a picture. If one comes through you know I'll post it here.
Posted by Soxy Lady at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Roll the Dice
Now I'm getting excited! Check out this Japanese Beer Commerical starring our very own Daisuke.
As a former sorority girl, I am proud to report our new pitcher is not drinking in his letters, errr...uniform! The boy can pound 'em! However, he's not smiling. I love his smile. He just looks so friendly.
There is a lot to report on the baseball front today, but unfortunately I don't have time to update right now. I'll be back though!
Posted by Soxy Lady at 11:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: Commercial, Daisuke Matsuzaka, Dice K, Red Sox, Sports
Taking the High Road
Soxy Lady
Dear Tony Dungy,
Soxy Lady
Dear Adam Vinatieri,
Sure, you have another Superbowl ring, but none of that really matters. The highpoint of the game for every New England fan was when you shanked that kick.

Soxy Lady
Dear Rex Grossman,
I hope you don't live in Chicago. In fact, I hope you don't take the team plane home. The Chicago fans aren't too forgiving. I know you're a rookie, but, umm.....well.....let's just say Godspeed. I hope you make it until next season.
Soxy Lady
Posted by Soxy Lady at 10:28 PM 3 comments
Labels: Superbowl
Friday, February 2, 2007
Jason Varitek :: An Unofficial Fan Site
It's a slow day for Red Sox news.....
With the countdown to Pitchers & Catchers reporting down to only two weeks, I thought it was appropriate to talk about my hometown fav, Tek.
While most of us have referred to Trot Nixon as the original Dirt Dog, for his grungy uniform and hard-playing attitude, but it was actually Jason Varitek who coined the Term. The first edition of the 2004 Red Sox Magazine featured an article written by Gary Brown (excerpt below):
In the western Massachusetts town of Agawam, there’s a sandlot baseball team with an unlikely name: The Sacred Heart Dirt Dogs.
The team adopted its nickname after being inspired by a story in which Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek was quoted as saying, “We’re just a bunch of dirt dogs, working hard and finding ways to win ball games.” No question about it, the “dirt dog” image speaks to the true-grit style of this Red Sox ball club. Varitek could be the poster boy for that image. So could right fielder Trot Nixon, truly a blue-color worker on the baseball field. They certainly stand as ideal role models for the kids in Agawam, and everywhere else.
It has been said of both that they play baseball with a “football mentality”. That’s a tribute to their toughness and their willingness to go all-out all the time. They are tireless workers, both in pre-game preparation, and on the field.
When you’re a dirt dog, you eschew possible bodily harm to get the job done. Think about Varitek, an immovable object when he blocks the plate against fast-moving baserunners determined to knock the ball out of his grasp. Think about Nixon, diving to make plays, even though those dives sometimes hurtle him close to Fenway’s low railing along the right-field line.
The most dangerous dive in recent years was performed by Varitek, when his head-first slide for a catch of a foul ball damaged his right elbow and put him out for the season in June of 2001. Would he go for that kind of play again?
“Absolutely”, he said.
I don't remember exactly when I decided Tek was my "favorite" Sox player, but I know I chose him because of his work ethic (reminiscent of Cal Ripken), his intensity and I'm not going to lie...some of his "physical" attributes!
On Christmas Eve 2004 RSN received presents a little early when the Red Sox held a press conference naming Jason Varitek as the Red Sox Captain.
Anyway, I'm always excited when I find news articles related to, or interviews done by Tek. You can my joy in finding the Jason Varitek Unofficial Fan site!

The site is maintained very well and offers articles, photos, stats, a biography and a lot more! I just emailed Erin, the webmaster, some of my personal pictures of Tek. I hope to see them up there soon!
I urge all of you to take a look at the site and contribute any Tek info/pics you may have!!
Also, let me know if there are other great fan sites out there, maybe I'll profile it in an upcoming post.
Posted by Soxy Lady at 4:55 PM 4 comments
Labels: Fan Sites, Jason Varitek, Red Sox, Tek, Vtek
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Do you, take this hotdog? I do
Congratulations to Theo and Whitney who wed earlier this month, not at Nathan's Hot Dog Stand, but on John Henry's private yacht. I'm happy for them, wish them many healthy and blissful years together, yadda yadda....However, if the rumor that these nuptials were part of the reason the Drew deal took so long to finalize I'm kind of annoyed. Other than that party on Mr. and Mrs. Epstein!
What really makes me happy are the reports that Jon Lester is in Florida and ready to train with the rest of the pitchers and catchers when they arrive in Ft. Myers. What a fighter this guy is. I'm am whole-heartedly cheering for him and his success.
Then there is our new smiling supa-stah Dice K. Hey, he's pleased with the produce and fish he's had in the good ol' USA - lets hope that keeps him strong and healthy for the five-man pitching rotation.
Posted by Soxy Lady at 10:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: Dice K, Jon Lester, Theo Epstein